Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy Busy

I was busy with work and other personal things, that is why this is my 2nd post after 2 months not writing anything. I guess i will only post other fun phuket pictures if i found the enthusiasm again. Today i'm on mc because i sprained my back, again, the previous was 2 months ago. There are so many things to tell, hopefully i can write just a short one from time to time.


Man-D said...

mengapakah gambar itu mcm tu? menutup lems kah tu? hehehe... ya, jadi, jan juga malas blogging... nda tau apa ja yg dia bz ni... bz on the phone ja... tulah tu... opss... adakah sa membucur rahsia??? muahahaha

Linda said...

on the phone, on the phone...bila tu..? gmbr itu menutup putungan bagus muahaha

Anonymous said...

putungan bagus itu bagus... (ai sendri2 terasa di pusat jalur lebar sukau) ayayay

A true story of courage

There was no expression on Teacher James’ face. He distributed the classroom work for us to do. It was Bahasa Melayu class and we get to...