Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2nd fieldwork for this year

In Marudu again, i's staying overnite here but i will be working in Pitas tomorrow. Here i am sitting in my room, having orange juice, watching a weird movie in cinemax and fulfiling Mandy's wish for me to write up my blog. It seems that i dont know what to say these days. But for my so called twin, here you are dik...apa tu 'palan2, lama2 pandai penuh juga kan'.... ok ini psycho guy in the movie about to kill someone...........aiiyaaaa...he just did! budus.

tomorrow im going to go to some villages in Bengkoka forest reserve, hopefully we can pass the bad roads. sometimes i wonder who is supposed to maintain these roads, the YBs or the other gov. authority. If you go to the central of Sabah in Tongod sub-district, i think it's the worst road i've been so far. part of it is of course the weather but still alibis that we cannot avoid such as "bad weather" is not supposed to permit us to just stay out of the situation. Roads play a major factor of development in rural areas, in fact in anywhere! no roads no development..

*sigh*...critical. i dont want to be critical tonite...i just want to relax and just write my heart out. but my heart is critical about that topic..maybe that's why i chose to work in this field, community forestry. The big guns will normally say 'you can't fulfill every person's wish'.... whatever.

dik...is this a good start?

Oh the psycho guy in the movie died, stabbed by the woman he obsessively, secretly and psycholy loved...kasian...


Unknown said...

aiyaaa my twin angel sista, im the devil here...kekeke...uii, di kota marudu kah? aiyaaa....well, sikit² lama² banyak tu ko mo tulis...kekeke...anyway, keep on blogging k...

*Y soo pinkish this isk...

melbie said...

rupanya blog ini adalah untuk c mindut sahaja? mengapakah amat perlu mau guna id gmail sia? hehehe

adikbradikpulakamurangnikununyangkununlagiadalahtwin! hohoho

Linda said...

yasebabsamakununmukakamek.... pinkish sbb blum lg ada masa mo cari itu kedudukan settings dlm ni blog... eheh..

Unknown said...

uiii...adakah untuk sa ja...ya bah...kenapa mo login guna id gmail ni? cuba gia ko tukar tu setting kak...

luckily kena tukar tu color...adehhh...

A true story of courage

There was no expression on Teacher James’ face. He distributed the classroom work for us to do. It was Bahasa Melayu class and we get to...