Thursday, March 6, 2008

Back to Sandakan

morning ready to go back home to sandakan. Didn't get to meet the kampung folks cos' jalan dorang lumpur sampai pinggang..ok bye...Supposed to move out of here at 8am tapi punyalah the driver baru bangun at 8am. He can be irritating sometimes cos' of his ignorance over small details. Working in a men's environment, can really be upsetting sometimes when they choose to ignore what women say. The drivers are 'good' examples, here are some of their remarks;

Woman: kita jalan jam 10am.
"jam 10? jam 11 la jalan. bukan mo cepat juga"

Woman: si A tidak ikut tu.
"napa c A (c A adalah lelaki) tidak ikut ini outstation, kalau dia ikut ada juga kawan saya d sini" (due to his inability to converse with women)

Woman: Ok, hantar saya balik, c B belum mau jalan. Saya jalan duluan..
"ko mo jalan sekarang? JAM tu d luar sana, saya tunggu c B, baru saya jalan" (c B adalah lelaki)

Woman: bsuk kita jalan jam 8am..
(Bisuk nya jam 8am sa call dia) "sa baru bangun"

And many more. Everytime this happens, the first thing i want to do is get angry and nag. But a strong part of me said if you can handle this then you can survive. But another part of me said -kumpul2 dulu, nanti klu ada yg telampau bikin panas baru ko bomb semua- hahahaha....! Another part of me said im being sensitive, well cos' im a woman. Most of the time, i see it in a moral angle. Respect is the word. But maybe these people i've encountered, they don't have the eyes to see respect, they just see the superiority of gender. Or maybe i'm just being critical. No matter how i interpret it, the bottomline is these incidents are not right. Am i sure im not just being sensitive? Yes, cos' the heart never lies.

Ok got to go....bye


Unknown said...

Weii, nda balik mengundi kah?

melbie said...

ada tu c linda balik mengundi, bertemankan hujan² kaitu ko blang linda? hehehe .. sadap kita makan kan.. mandy macam biasa, ter-miss lagi .. hohoho

Linda said...

ah ah...sadap tu claypot, ayam n sayur c mel...

Unknown said...

iskskskkkk...wrong timing ja bah...banci sa...duiiii!

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