Tonite, had dinner with Amor and Ichu at Koko's so glad to see them again. Called Grace in Oman so that she can talk with amor and ichu..and she is so happy too of being able to speak to them.. so we chatted about puerto galera, one of the famous beaches in philippines. We are going there tmrw!! yeah! So after dinner, we had a walk around malate area and headed home cos i'm pretty tired...
So i thought i wanted to sleep early tonite to be ready for tmrw's trip to puerto. But, it was tempting to bring dik and lyn to any bars in malate...lyn was interested in the mr. lady bar... and whoaaa! it was really interesting performance and ppl they have there... i really enjoyed the dance and comedy performances..there was one performance by Dyna, it was really thick bold
performance with a strong message saying 'i am what i am and to hell with everybody else'... really solid. I like it. We also met with Nina, Annie, Lian (lovely woman) and not forgetting Ms. Jullia... yes how can anyone forget Jullia..the gorgeous one. You can never tell that she was a he before.. these women are all talented, i like to hang out and talk to them. They will entertain you with their talents and their life story but it doesnt come cheap, you have to pay to sit with them. I dont mind. At one angle, i admire them for they have the balls (well) to live their dreams and I wont argue with them in terms of religion. Anyway we had a great nite, we were entertained and satisfied... ai mcm lain...
From left, Jullia, at the back is Misha, red dress is Nina, then Dyna, Lian..then my friends Lyn n Mandy whom i called dik...
oh sangat sexy sekali mereka itu.. hehhehee
yea...sgt sexy n talented. mcm tia mo balik neh...haha
sexy utk particular person ja kah tu kak? muahahaha...
oh ya...habis almost 6k pesos ar...punyalah...
hehheehe...mmg obvious yg particular seja yg sexy, yg lain mm hampeh! hehe..
ya 6K pesos tp worth it wlupun nda puas tingu show..len kali mcm malu la kan mo balik p cna...haha
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