In Manila - go to Gil Puyat LRT station to take the bus to Batangas. The fare is about RM11 or 147 peso / pax. You can just get on the bus and pay the fare later..
Batangas - the bus will stop in Pier Port where you take the boat to Puerto
Pier Port - RM23 or about 300peso / pax for return boat ticket Pier-Puerto-Pier. Then plus RM4 or 50peso for Environmental Fee and another 80c or 10peso for port tax.
After 1 hour or 1 1/2 hour, we reached thing! many gorgeous ppl and lots of bars and restaurant...ada juga lynne's restaurant ahh..punyalah..
Nah pa lagi...ada restoran ba c kawan d philippines..
So the 1st mission is to a place to stay...with this many ppl one can only hope. But we are so blessed to find a very fine place to stay, and the nicer thing is it's a fully furnished house with 2 bedrooms, a living room with TV, hi-fi, fridge, 1 bathroom and a kitchen. And the nicest thing is it's only for 1500peso or RM115. Very convenient although it is located quite far from the beach about 15 minutes walk compared to those guesthouse overlooking the beach. Owh 4D and clever are coming today to join us! so 7 of us stayed here.. We only got to the beach at about 9pm.. cos in philippines the party starts at about 10 - 11 pm till morning... so dinner dulu la bos. Kita mo dinner tmpt c lyn tp ada lg tmpt yg lebeh ummpphh..apa la ko lyn tia pandai kasi happening tmpt sendiri... maka selepas 1 1/2 jam acara makan..acara minum lagi bermula..punya men sadap minuman local dia yg dinamakan mindoros ling and rumumbai... basically:
mindoros ling: thanduay rhum + guava jus
rumumbai: thanduay rhum + coklat (jadi taste nya mcm baileys ahhhh)
Yg diangkat tu rumumbai dan yg di ground mindoros ling... ni rumumbai sadap tp kin mabuk brabis ahhh..abis otot2 badanku tidak berfungsi dgn baik slps itu...bsuk pagi byk luka ah kaki sbb tdk brapa stable masa bejln... the fun part was it rained and we were the last one standing on the beach...smua urg sudah berlari masuk pg bars n kami masih duduk2 ah smbl minum..then mandiiiiiiii!! terjun laut lpas tu.. oh man there are so many stories to many fun parts.. but i leave that for verbal chat later.. oya kamu mo tingu mcm mana rupa balut? nah gmbr..
Balut adalah anak ayam (itik ka?) yg baru mo jadi tp tidak dijadikan dgn merebusnya.. enda kin gali juga ba, rupa dia ja tu yg kin gali. rasa dia mcm daging ayam mlm tu sa temkn bhgn paruh jadi keras ahh...lynne mkn part yg lain, dia blang sedap masarap!
Ok time to go home..i think we got home at about 3am and ujan kuat mo tidur zzzz.....
c mindut ada makan tu balut ka??
Lynne ada cerita tu pasal kamu begayut di kapal jua .. hohoho sanat seronot! cis!
seingat sa endada c mandut mkn.. ya dorang tu begayut mcm mo ikut tp tampau gatal badan (sbb ingat kena sting jellyfish) n tampau mabuk muahaha
iya..1st attempt nda berjaya naik ar...pastu nda puas juga naik, berjaya juga...kak, ko nda dapat naik pasal ko mabuk...muahaha!
kordinasi otot nda power ba masa tu... rumumbai punya pasal ah cilakak
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